If I could turn back time.. Would I unlearn all the things I have learned? Would my first kiss be my last one? Would I un-cry all the things I regret?
Directed by Robin Glass / Brazil / 2009
Short Film Pleasure
If I could turn back time.. Would I unlearn all the things I have learned? Would my first kiss be my last one? Would I un-cry all the things I regret?
Directed by Robin Glass / Brazil / 2009
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[…] Regret If I could turn back time.. Would I unlearn all the things I have learned? Would my first kiss be my… […]
Subject: We love your films.
My name is Luis-and I am a part of a school called High Tech High. This year my sophomore class and I are starting our own Food Truck. We have already raised $35,000 and have bought our truck. Our truck will promote cultural understand through food and film by not only serving foods from different countries, but showing films on a T.V. on our truck. When I saw some of your films I really enjoyed them and I feel like our customers would like them too. Would it be possible for us to screen your films on our truck?
I appreciate your time and consideration.
Luis Tapia
High Tech High
San Diego, California.