An Créatúr
“The Helpless Creature” is an extraordinary story of two brothers, born and growing up in an ordinary Irish family.
This peculiar little subtitled tale presents an early performance by a now increasingly popular Irish actor, Robert Sheehan (born 1988). It takes us on a young life journey to mid teens and the relationship between two brothers. The ending will come as a surprise! The acting throughout is good and Mr. Sheehan gives his usual ‘animated’ facial reactions to the various situations that develop. Toned down by the drama is his usually more exuberant voice which has the common actors error of sounding like someone reciting memorized lines rather than a ‘natural’ flow. On the production side the modern tendency to under-light a scene is mostly absent. This little short story film could be expanded to a feature given the amount of drama in it.
Winner of the Audience Award at Cork International Film Festival 2007 & Best Live Action at short Film The Carrousel international Film Festival 2008.
Directed by Peter Foott / Ireland / 2007
Sorry, kidz … american here. These are some of the worst accidents I’ve ever heard in a film. Did you have to make these folks American?
Umm Joe? They aren’t american… they’re Irish acting Irish….
the performance is simply excellent!!