On Top Down Under
NSFW WARNING: video contains nudity.
ON TOP – Iceland, a lighthouse, a cold winter evening. Her thoughts drift back to that summer … to bathing in the hot springs … to when they first met … and embraced.
DOWN UNDER – Australia, the desert, a blistering heat wave. His pickup stops at an icehouse … he lays the blocks neatly on the buckboard … and drives off haunted by a aching memory.
Without dialogue or comment, save for verses from a sonnet by John Keats, Fridrik Thor Fridriksson links the thoughts, the emotions, the sensual longing of young lovers at opposite ends of the world. A tone poem, a collage of sight and sound.
Directed by Friðrik Þór Friðriksson / Iceland, Germany / 2002
This is Danielle Steele on film but focused on men. Absolutely terrible in everyway. I despise anything that can bore me with a beautiful naked girl.
Came for the thumbnail of a girl sucking on ice, stayed for the powerful emotions displayed without words and in just 20 or so minutes….but it lost my interest towards the end. i give it an “eh”.
Terrible film, but naked woman. So much conflict, so have to say it sucks – a nice Hegelian synthesis…
Landscapes are beautiful. The camera job is wonderful.
I didn’t like repeating footage, though. I felt like authors intentionally tried to make it long and boring.
The end is very disappointing.
SUCKS BIG TIME!!!! No apologies for capslock
I like the movie, it was inspiring to me. I think it displays the problem of loneliness
It should have showed the girl’s vagina.
+1 to the other anon, I wanted to see her ride that ice dick