2 Birds
NSFW WARNING: video contains nudity.
2 Birds (Smáfuglar) takes place during one bright summer night and follows a group of young teenagers on a journey from innocence to adulthood. The main character is a timid boy who has a typical schoolboy crush on a girl his age, who happens to be a friend of his mate.
Directors statement for 2 Birds: People at crossroads in their live interests me. The questions they are confronted with , in balance with the choices they have. I wanted to make a film about adolescents and love , a boy becoming a man.
Directed by Rúnar Rúnarsson / Iceland / 2008
[…] durante l’effetto della ketamina. Eccellente la prova dell’attore. Clicca sul link per vedere il […]
What a beautiful and difficult turn for them at the end. He sacrifices his potential love for her. They’ll never be able to be together, because he’ll have to hide the truth.
Excellent film pointing out the dangers of recreational drugs for young teenagers. Ketamine is named on the internet as one of the three most dangerous date rape drugs, leading to the poignant situation here where a young girl is raped by two men under the half waking eye of her very young boyfriend, who appears at most 14. He then makes the heroic pretence to her as she wakes in the morning (‘Was I good?’) that the rape was committed by himself.
First, please forgo explaining the obvious. Second, the film was compelling because of how the audience felt through the characters; the characters simply wanted to be loved. In my opinion, the beauty of the film is about the differences between adolescent and adult desires. The adolescent wants love and hedonistic desires, whereas the adult wants dignity and hedonistic desires (oftentimes as a result). The film creates an excellent and subtle depiction of this difference, the very “rite of passage” that was determined by the adolescent characters themselves. The audience can think in many different ways about the topic of adolescence, love, adulthood, society and so forth with the gravitas of keeping a secret –an adult course of responsibility. Nicely done.
I want to review film
I always love romance
A beautiful piece of art. More like feel good movie. The boy has a golden heart.
A beutiful film depicting the love, care he gave to his namsake girlfriend.
I would love to review, but how to open the video?
Hi sir not a open the movie site help me arif pakistan
i would love to review, but how to watch the video